On March 24, 2015, a monetary donation was made to the Fennimore Elementary School to assist with the cost of purchasing keyboards for the students to learn how to type. Stay tuned for the dedication of the trophy case in the AP room that will house the accomplishments of the Elementary School kids.
April 9, 2015:
A little over a year ago we were approached by the Fennimore Elementary Student Council in regards to the building of a trophy case to showcase all of the achievements of Fennimore’s young children. That process started shortly after and recently finished. The case was built by Chad Fitzgerald and will house the accomplishments of our area youth along with any other items they so choose to put in it. On the side there is a compartment for the electronics for a new white board (those cool interactive ones). This is located in the AP Room (Cafeteria) at the Elementary School. Derek’s Act of Kindness portrait is hanging in the upper window. Thank you to the school for this wonderful opportunity and allowing us to make this happen for you. In the picture is Mrs. Carmen Burkum, the Elementary School Principal, Mr. Jamie Nutter, the Fennimore District Administrator, and Brandee and I. We are honored that Derek will be a part of this school for many years to come.