(Melvin Gordon, ex-Wisconsin running back)
Maya doing a Random Act of Kindness today. She gave this little girl a ticket to have her picture taken with Melvin Gordon!! She was one happy little girl!
Maya Stepanek
Last night as we left our local Chinese restaurant we favor in Bismarck, we were asked by a young couple pushing a stroller what was cheaper, that restaurant or the one just south of it. We told them we were not sure and recommended the one we just came out of. I said good night to my son and his three kids after a bit of horse play with the grandkids. As I departed I seen the young couple standing against the building looking over a menu. I stopped my car, backed up to them and asked them why they were not eating and it came out that they had no money to speak of on them due to fleeing a bad family situation in another town and coming to Bismarck. Although I was blocking the parking lot, I got out of the car and said let’s go get something to eat. They fussed at first and I said I am doing this in honor of a young boy from SW Wisconsin. I told them the story of Derek and acts of Kindness and said all I ask is that someday when you are where you can, pay it forward to someone you see that needs a helping hand. The clerk looked puzzled but took my card and I paid and they went and got a meal in their stomach. I pray they are doing ok tonight
Robert Dilley
I have never met Derek or any of you but I am in Ohio and praying for you all. Three weeks ago a young girl walked up to my 4 year old son and handed him the pin you see below. We were in the magic kingdom and enjoying every second of it as my son had been through a medical scare the week before. She said ‘here this is for you’. I said ‘honey that’s so sweet but why is this for him?’ She proceeded to tell us Derek’s story. I hugged her and started to cry of course. Her mother took pics , I don’t have any. I hope she shared them with you. And I am ok if she shares them on here. It was sweet moment that restored my faith.
AJ English
There were 4 recipients of Derek cards and cash being given out by a kind gentleman today at the mall in Madison. Thanks so much for sharing Derek’s spirit!
At a local church recently a Sunday school student’s name was randomly selected and she was given $50 in cash and assigned the enjoyable task of keeping the “random acts of kindness” tradition continuing. The student, along with her little sister decided to use the money to purchase ten $5 gift cards at the local Kwik Trip and give them out to people as they walked into the store. The results were heartwarming. The girls received mostly surprised looks followed by an enthusiastic “Thank You!!” One elderly lady blew kisses to the girls as she left the store; another lady said she would be sure to keep paying it forward. A gentleman accepted the gift card on the way in but then when he was leaving gave the girls a $10 dollar bill and told them to get themselves a treat. The girls did treat themselves by purchasing two additional gift cards to hand out to customers. This random act brightened the day for 12 unsuspecting individuals going about their routines and two sisters who shared the joy and uplifting power of doing nice things for people. My husband was a recipient of this wonderful act of kindness. It made his day.
Reported by Diane Alm
Almost forgot to say thank you for the random act of kindness. I was given a $5 gift card by a sweet young lady who was sitting with her dad and sister outside the Kwik Trip. The clerk said that they buy 10 of them each year to pass out, In honor of Derek Lendosky. Very cool.
Kathy Lange
I know it’s not much but I grabbed the phone book, flipped to a random page, closed my eyes and where my finger landed is who I decided to give to. I mailed this individual a card with a personal note in it a long with $50. Like I said nothing much, but I sometimes forget I have more than what I realize.
Deven Kelly
Random Act of Kindness for Derek Completed at Pizza Hut tonight in Madison! Great way to start off the New Year! Felt SO good! :)
Cheryl Marie
Dana O’Brien, Jesse Carns, Amanda Carns and I met a great waitress on our honeymoons in Punta Cana. After talking with her she said she only goes home for 5 days a month to see her family. As an act of kindness we paid the $50 it costs her for the trip home to see her family.
Justin O’Brien
(Thanks Justin! 18 Countries now that have been recorded!!)